Bullying Statistics in RUSSIA. РОССИЯ. ROSSIYA. 100.000 cases.

According to the First World Report created by the International NGO Bullying Without Borders, corresponding to the years 2020/2021 for America, Europe, Africa, Oceania and Asia; realized between January 2020 and December 2021 by the 50 thousand collaborators that Bullying Without Borders has all around the world, Bullying cases all around the world have boomed in relation with the last available measurements (developed in 1990).
The official podium is occupied by Mexico, in which 7 of every 10 children and teenagers suffer some form of bullying every day. United States of America follows with 6 of every 10 children and teenagers suffering bullying and very closely is China, in which 6 of  10 children and teenagers (more precisely 5,8) suffer this phenomenon. It's important to remark that in the case of China and for political reasons we couldn't gather all available data.
Dr. Javier Miglino, creator of the World Day Against Bullying, with his son, Javier.
El Dr. Javier Miglino, creador del Día Mundial Contra el Bullying, junto a su hijo, Javier.
Dr. Javier Miglino, créateur de la Journée Mondial contre l'Harcèlement, avec sons fils Javier.

Según el estudio de la ONG Internacional Bullying Sin Fronteras para América, Europa, Asia, Oceanía y Africa, realizado entre enero 2021 y febrero de 2022, los casos de Bullying en RUSIA continúan en aumento, donde 6 de cada 10 niños sufren todos los días algún de tipo de acoso y ciberacoso.




Fondée le 02/05/2012 par le Dr Javier Miglino et une équipe internationale. Le 02/05/2013, ils proposent la JOURNÉE MONDIALE CONTRE L'INTIMIDATION. Alors naîtrait l'historique « JOURNÉE MONDIALE CONTRE L'INTIMIDATION » ; l'un des 24 éphémérides mondiaux. Miglino a déclaré: "L'intimidation se nourrit de trois poisons: la solitude, la tristesse et la peur. En donnant à l'intimidation une visibilité mondiale, nous pouvons la vaincre, sauvant des millions de vies."
En 2016, l'UNESCO a aboli le minimum de 25 ans d'études préalables et à l'issue du débat, l'a approuvé par acclamation.

Founded on 5/2/2012 by Dr. Javier Miglino and an International Team. On 5/2/2013 they propose the WORLD DAY AGAINST BULLYING. Then the historic 'WORLD DAY AGAINST BULLYING' would be born; one of the 24 World Ephemeris. Miglino said: "Bullying feeds on three poisons: loneliness, sadness and fear. For giving bullying global visibility, we can defeat it, saving millions of lives." 
In 2016, UNESCO abolished the minimum of 25 years of prior study and approved it by acclamation.

Fundada el 2/5/2012 por el Dr. Javier Miglino y un Equipo Internacional. El 2/5/2013 proponen el DÍA MUNDIAL CONTRA EL BULLYING. Nacería entonces el histórico 'DÍA MUNDIAL CONTRA EL BULLYING'; una de las 24 Efemérides Mundiales. Miglino dijo: "el bullying se nutre de tres venenos; la soledad, la tristeza y el miedo. Dando visibilidad mundial al bullying, podemos derrotarlo, salvando millones de vidas". 
En 2016, UNESCO suprimió el mínimo de 25 años de estudio previo y lo aprobó por aclamación.

"Pour Bullying Without Borders/Harcèlement Sans Frontières/Bullying Sin Fronteras, l'université doit également répondre à ces trois caractéristiques, car chaque jour, il y a plus de plaintes de tous les étudiants concernant des garçons et des filles victimes de harcèlement à l'université", a déclaré Javier Miglino, fondateur de BSF/HSF/BWB.

The International NGO Bullying Without Borders together with UNICEF consider that happiness, well-being and security are three fundamental aspects for the comprehensive development of young people and children as they go through school.

"For Bullying Without Borders, the university must also meet these three characteristics, because every day there are more complaints from all students about boys and girls who are victims of university bullying," said Javier Miglino, Founder of Bullying Without Borders.

Las Primeras Estadísticas Globales de Bullying en el mundo:

Les Premières Statistiques Mondiales sur l'Harcèlement dans le monde: 

The First Global Bullying Statistics in the world:

Первая глобальная статистика буллинга в мире:


Definición oficial de Bullying (español):

Según la definición consensuada entre la Organización Mundial de la Salud (O.M.S.) y la ONG Internacional Bullying Sin Fronteras, el bullying o acoso escolar es toda intimidación o agresión física, psicológica o sexual contra una persona en edad escolar en forma reiterada de manera tal que causa daño, temor y/o tristeza en la víctima o en un grupo de víctimas.

Ginebra, SUIZA - Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA - 2018.

Official definition of Bullying (english):

According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and the International NGO Bullying Without Borders, bullying is defined as any form of intimidation or physical, psychological or sexual aggression, against any person of undergraduate age, in a reiterated manner, that causes damage, fear and/or sadness on the victim or the group of victims.

Geneva, SWITZERLAND - Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA - 2018.

Définiton officielle de l'harcelement (français):

Selon la définition convenue entre l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et l'ONG Internationale Bullying Sin Fronteras, l'intimidation ou le harcèlement à l'école est toute intimidation ou agression physique, psychologique ou sexuelle à l'encontre d'une personne d'âge scolaire de manière répétée, de manière à causer des dommages , la peur et/ou la tristesse chez la victime ou dans un groupe de victimes.

Genève, SUISSE - Buenos Aires, ARGENTINE - 2018.
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In RUSSIA, bullying shuts down the physical and mental health of children, even costing their lives thoughout the whole country. In this case, the statistic shows us that six of every ten children and teens are bullied with a special emphasis on poor children. A special mention deserves college bullying, which is extremely developed and well extended though the campus life, in the form of what the bullies call "hazings"; defined as the complex and highly abusive ceremonies that young adults have to go through to be admitted in a fraternity. In college hazings, many young men and women end up humilliated and even hurt, causing many cases of suicide.  
Most of the cases of bullying in primary and secondary schools in RUSSIA occur with children and adolescents of poor origin. 
The blows, the threats and the harassment in general, arrive every day, when entering and when leaving the school establishment.
Poor performance in sports (football, basketball) is one of the biggest reasons for bullying among classmates.

Musical tastes and the way of dressing are also a reason for bullying.

The number noted, 100.000 serious cases of bullying, places. RUSSIA as the country with the second highest number of cases of bullying in the world.

"Since 2013, the Permanent Multidisciplinary Team of Bullying Without Borders, led by Dr. Javier Miglino, Expert in Human Rights and Child Protection, collects the data obtained by thousands of collaborators in AMERICA, EUROPE, ASIA, OCEANIA and AFRICA. In this way, the only International Report on Bullying and Cyberbullying in the world takes shape".

Percentage of bullying cases in each City of RUSSIA:

MOSCU 23 percent

ST PETERSBURG 18 percent

NOVOSIBIRSK 17 percent



SAMARA 5 percent

OMSK 5 percent

KAZAN 4 percent


ROSTOV-ON-DON 3 percent

UFA 2 percent

VOLGOGRAD 2 percent

PERM 1 percent


SARATOV 1 percent

KRASNODAR 1 percent

VORONEZH 1 percent

TOTAL: 100.000 cases

 Mensaje del Dr. Javier Miglino en el Simposio USAID sobre "Daño Digital".
Estados Unidos de América. Febrero de 2022.
3 minutos

Message du Dr. Javier Miglino au Symposium de l'USAID sur "Dommage Digitale". Etats Unis d'Amérique. Février 2022. 3 minutes 

Message from Dr. Javier Miglino at the USAID Symposium on 
"Protecting Children and Youth from Digital Harm".
United States of America. February 2022.
3 minutes

The Top 25 countries with the highest amounts of bullying in the World:

3 - CHINA (for political reasons, we only have partial data related to China)
16 - CHILE
19 - ITALY

Source: NGO Bullying Without Borders.

Note: this World Report about Bullying surfaces thanks to the collaboration of the OECD and the NGO Bullying Without Borders. For that reason and to make it more ample and rich, data from more countries than just the 34 members of the OECD was taken. Examples of non-member that appear on the list are Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Honduras, Costa Rica, etc.

Lack of reports:

"Few cases are reported by authorities of the different governing bodies on education. However, parents, educators, teenagers and even friends and relatives of bullying victims report thousands of cases each day in the official mail of Bullying Without Borders. We're inviting everyone to participate. It's this way that we can enrich this statistic and make it more ample, more plural and more valuable."
Dr. Javier Miglino. Founder of Bullying Without Borders.

Information about cases of bullying:

• 85 per cent happen in school.

• 82 per cent of children with a disability are abused in school.

• 74 per cent of children between 8 and 14 years have suffered bullying at least one time.

• More than 90 per cent of bullying acts aren't reported by teachers.

• 60 per cent of bullies will have at least one felony-related incident at adult age.

• 3 million children don't go to school each month due to bullying.

• 9 of every 10 homosexual students are insulted due to their sexual orientation.
• 200,000 children and adolescents lose their lives every year as a result of bullying and cyberbullying around the world

Message of the Founder of Bullying Without Borders for the whole world:

"Bullying Without Borders has an International Multidisciplinary Team, formed by 60 people that meet in physical and remote manner (through Zoom and Skype), each week. The team is composed by psychiatrists, child psychiatrists, psychologists, educational psychologists, lawyers, medics, sociologists, journalists, nutritionists, specialists in Human Rights, judges, prosecutors and licencees in social services. In all cases they are professionals with recognized experience that carry though this task without asking for a cent.
Our dear friends in the whole world reach Bullying Without Borders knowing that they're facing one of the worst possible challenges for a human being: confronting the death of children and teenagers; but they don't do it as mere spectators, but as real heroes that every week, thanks to a speedy intervention, a conciliating message or a simple phone call, they arrive on time and save precious lives of hundreds of children and teenagers in the whole world. However, this task leaves in every one of us, a profound impact. It's because of it that every month we have to renew an important part of the staff, due to the fact that it's not possible to overcome situations such as the suicide of Drayke Hardman. The death of Drayke left us speechless. A handsome boy, just like his mother described us a few days ago; smart, talented, healthy, sane and with the entire world out there waiting for him. Nevertheless, the cursed bullying and cyberbullying, caused by his schoolmates, ended his life. At Bullying Without Borders, we couldn't let this slide and to tell the truth about the terrible pressure that we always go through, every day and every night".
Dr. Javier Miglino.
Expert in Human Rights Affairs.
Founder of Bullying Without Borders.
Creator of 'May 2nd. World Bullying Day'.
May 2nd. World Bullying Day. History: 

World Bullying Day is an international day marked on May 2nd to raise awareness of bullying and cyberbullying. It’s a widespread issue that affects millions of students around the world in schools and universities with consequences that range from psychological traumas to even suicide and causes around 200,000 deaths each year.

This initiative was founded by NGO Bullying Without Borders in 2013, and his founderDr. Javier Miglino,  suffered from bullying and cyberbullying considered necessary the creation of an ephemeris to help raise awareness of this problem and make governments take notice. Basing themselves on what Nelson Mandela said, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”, they thought education and awareness in schools would be the determining factor to eradicate bullying from any educational institution.

World Bullying Day was conceived in April 2013 and then presented in May 2013 to more than 3.000 NGOs around the world. The iniciative was approved and they all agreed upon the fact that the date should be May 2nd. Miglino explains that the reason of why they chose that day in particular was because it was the day Bullying Without Borders was founded and also because students from the northern and southern hemisphere attend classes that day, allowing the possibility to create discussion in schools about this topic and thus further raising awareness.

According to the organization’s statistics, bullying causes around 200,000 deaths every year due to homicide or induction to suicide. At the same time it’s proven that it affects millions of students that “sometimes abandon their studies or cope them with grief and fatigue as if it were a daily torture.” The NGO considers bullying as “a silent enemy that feeds upon three poisons: 

- loneliness 

- sadness 

- fear.”

The actions that are directly related to bullying are: cyberbullying, social block, harassment, coaction, intimidation, aggression, threat and gay bashing. 


Founded on 2/5/2012 by Dr. Javier Miglino and an International Team. On 2/5/2013 they propose the WORLD DAY AGAINST BULLYING. Then the historic 'WORLD DAY AGAINST BULLYING' would be born; one of the 24 World Anniversaries. Miglino said: "Bullying feeds on three poisons: loneliness, sadness and fear. By giving bullying global visibility, we can defeat it, saving millions of lives." 
In 2016, UNESCO abolished the minimum of 25 years of prior study and approved it by acclamation.

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